Check back here for information on characters appearing in A Turning of Fate by Kimber Grey. We will have names, descriptions, background information, and appearances in the book.
Calevin, Master Whitelord: Master of the Whitelord Council, one time mentor of Overlord Varick.
Henrik: Manservant and caretaker of Prince Mikael.
Laondris: Son of Lyrria and Roark, twin to Larina.
Larina: Daugher of Lyrria and Roark, adopted daughter to Overlord Varick, twin to Laondris.
Lomidan, King:
Lyrria: Wife of Roark, mother to Laondris and Larina.
Mikael, King of RalStad: Husband of Princess Vinesta.
Roark: Husband of Lyrria, father to Laondris and Larina.
Vinesta, Queen of RalStad: Wife of Prince Mikael.
Varick Wrshaw, Whitelord: Adoptive father to Larina.