Thoughts on ATofF  


From the Author

A Turning of Fate has been a guilty pleasure of mine for some time now. I have dabbled on it time and again over the past ten years, re-writing draft after draft. I love all of the characters very much and find myself inspired often by their dramatic adventures and by the deep connections they all have with each other. The relationships between Varick and Larina, Mikael and Vinesta, Roark and Lyrria, and Larina and Loan all speak to me in their own way.

Pushing this novel forward from a stack of musings into a book was both greatly rewarding and equally painful. As a novelty, the story could ramble and veer off course as often as it pleased so long as it was an entertaining diversion. As a novel, it needed direction and structure, and a lot of the original text had to be overhauled or trimmed down entirely. Though A Turning of Fate has lost large portions of its scenes that were both moving and clever, it is a better story for the tough love it received.

Everyone takes something different into themselves when they read a new novel, and the same can be said when a writer authors one. For me, the overlaying theme of A Turning of Fate is one of redemption and self-discovery. Though elements of love, loyalty, and acceptance are prevalent, I would say forgiveness is the moral this tale sings to me. A Turning of Fate questions the relationship between motive and consequence. It explores the difference between good and evil, and challenges the assumption that they are mutually exclusive.

I sincerely hope A Turning of Fate finds its way into your heart, and I hope you enjoy reading it as much as I enjoyed writing it.

~Kimber Grey